
Monday, September 7, 2020

Potato Frittata

Potato Frittata
In home ec we made potato frittata, how we made it was, cut up the potatoes then cook them, cook onion, then egg.
Our dish looked good, I didn't really enjoy the smell of it, and it didn't taste good either (in my opinon).
I would rate our dish 1-10, because, I didn't like it and it was basiclly a omlet with potato, and it had to much egg in it. I 
What I would do diffrently next time is add way less egg and add seasoning.
Vegetable Frittata - Healthy Little Foodies

1 comment:

  1. I think I did not allow enough time for this recipe and we seemed to be rushing to get it complete. Next time it will be better to have the potatoes precooked. You could make this at home with leftover potatoes.
    I agree adding more seasoning would have improved the flavour. Do you think you could have included more vegetables in your dish?
    Next time could you please add comments on how the group worked together.
