
Friday, September 11, 2020

End Of Life Choice Referendum

End Of Life Choice 
The family will be there to  love you while you pass
A person doesn't suffer from pain
Die in peace
People should be allowed to choose

Doctors don't agree with this
parents of these under the age can choose
If they get the medicine but then decide their not ready to die
The family aren't ready for there loved ones to die 
People will try and use it in the right reasons

Who eligible for assisted dying?
To be able to ask for assisted dying, a person must meet ALL the following criteria. They must:
  • Be aged 18 years or older
  • Be a citizen or Permanent resident of New Zealand
  • Suffer from a terminal illness that's likely to end their life within 6 months 
  • Have a significant and ongoing decline in physical capability
  • Experience unbearable suffering that cannot be eased
  • Be able to make an informed decision about assisted dying
A person would not be eligible for assisted dying id the only reason they give is that they are suffering from a mental illness, or have a disability of any kind, or are of advanced age.
explain what citizens are

I support this in a way because, if the person is in a lot of pain, not long to live and nothing to heal them, it should be ok.

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