
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Business & Enterprise Refelction

Yesterday on Wednesday 23rd september we had our business and enterprise, it was a really nice sunny day.
We started off by setting up our table and organizing, we were selling around 42 wheat bags and about 15 face masks. Then people came over and started to buy our products. Before thee community came in we had made $8, then after that, we stared getting more people buying our products! 
There were lots if teachers and people from the community buying our products, and some students.
In the end we had sold out and made a profit of $119.
Over all the market day was pretty fun and people were really nice and everyone did good!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Apple Sauce Muffins - Home Ec

Apple Sauce Muffins
In home ec, we made Apple Sauce muffins.
In my opinion, they were discussing.
The apple sauce muffins were not cooked for long enough so they were still raw.
The reason why I didn't like them with because the flavour was not that nice, and there were too much apple and too much oats.
Even with the different recipes, the Apple Sauce muffins were yuck.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Instrument Evaluation

Thursday 17th September

Instrument Evaluation

  1. What have you studied in Music this term?
( Write in your own words)
We have been studying guitar, piano and ukelele. And we have been researching about piano and the history of some interments

  1. Which instrument have you enjoyed and why?
I have enjoyed the piano and ukelele because they were the easiest to play and the most fun.
  1. Which instrument did you find the most challenging and why?
I find the guitar most challenging because it's too big more me to hold and my fingers are too small to play the cords.
  1. Which instrument are you going to focus on for the rest of the term and why? What would you like to achieve?
I am going to focus on ukelele for the rest of the term because it was the easiest.  I would like to be able to play a whole song with the ukelele.

Business and Enterprise

For school, we are doing business and enterprise, we will be making product for people to buy.

Our company is called Stitch by Stitch, in my group is Talia, Chloe Nykachia, and Me/Mya.

In our business, we are making face masks, pocket-sized wheat bags and some medium-sized wheat bags. We will also be making gifts bags for a deal. The gift bags will have a face mask, pocket-sized wheat bag the next one will have a face mask and medium-sized face mask, and another will probably have medium-sized and pocket-sized and a face mask in it.

With our project, we are up to doing our poster and advertising, getting our fabrics cut out, and getting our resources for our product.

Our next steps are finishing our advertising, sewing our product, making the wheat bags and putting the elastic in our masks.

On the day of the market day, I am excited for the people to come and buy our product.

I reckon our business will do good because people will hopefully buy our products.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Friday, September 11, 2020

End Of Life Choice Referendum

End Of Life Choice 
The family will be there to  love you while you pass
A person doesn't suffer from pain
Die in peace
People should be allowed to choose

Doctors don't agree with this
parents of these under the age can choose
If they get the medicine but then decide their not ready to die
The family aren't ready for there loved ones to die 
People will try and use it in the right reasons

Who eligible for assisted dying?
To be able to ask for assisted dying, a person must meet ALL the following criteria. They must:
  • Be aged 18 years or older
  • Be a citizen or Permanent resident of New Zealand
  • Suffer from a terminal illness that's likely to end their life within 6 months 
  • Have a significant and ongoing decline in physical capability
  • Experience unbearable suffering that cannot be eased
  • Be able to make an informed decision about assisted dying
A person would not be eligible for assisted dying id the only reason they give is that they are suffering from a mental illness, or have a disability of any kind, or are of advanced age.
explain what citizens are

I support this in a way because, if the person is in a lot of pain, not long to live and nothing to heal them, it should be ok.

Classify the following

What I think the questions are - Legislative, Judiciary, Executive.
  1. Legislative
  2. Executive
  3. Judiciary
  4. Executive
  5. Legislative
  6. Judiciary
  7. Legislative 
These may be wrong but this is what I think

Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Guitar

-Add a picture of a labelled guitar 
Air and Amplification
-What is challenging about playing/learning the guitar 
The guitar is too big for me to hold, and my fingers are too small to do the cords
-What are the differences between guitar and ukulele 
A ukulele is smaller, more high pitched and easier to use, while a guitar is bigger harder to use and is not as high pitched.
-Find a song that you like where the guitar is the main instrument 
add the link to your blog and explain who performs it/sings it an why you like it

Monday, September 7, 2020

Potato Frittata

Potato Frittata
In home ec we made potato frittata, how we made it was, cut up the potatoes then cook them, cook onion, then egg.
Our dish looked good, I didn't really enjoy the smell of it, and it didn't taste good either (in my opinon).
I would rate our dish 1-10, because, I didn't like it and it was basiclly a omlet with potato, and it had to much egg in it. I 
What I would do diffrently next time is add way less egg and add seasoning.
Vegetable Frittata - Healthy Little Foodies